Friday, December 29, 2023

Ritual to help you get rid of sadness


  • A white candle
  • A piece of paper
  • A pen


  1. Write down your sadness: On the piece of paper, write down everything that is making you feel sad. Be as specific as possible.

  2. Light the candle: Light the white candle and place it in front of you.

  3. Read your sadness out loud: Read what you wrote on the piece of paper out loud. As you read, visualize the sadness leaving your body and being absorbed by the flame of the candle.

  4. Say the following incantation: “With this flame, I banish my sadness. May it be replaced with joy and happiness.”

  5. Burn the paper: Once you have finished reading and reciting the incantation, burn the piece of paper in the candle flame. As the paper burns, imagine the sadness being destroyed and replaced with positive energy.

  6. Extinguish the candle: Once the paper has burned completely, extinguish the candle.

Remember, this is just a simple ritual to help you get started. If you are feeling overwhelmed or your sadness persists, please consider seeking professional help. You can also reach out to a trusted friend or family member for support.

Légende - Photo
Humpty22, Pixabay,


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