- A white candle
- A bowl of water
- Some rose petals
- A photo or object symbolizing your heartache
- Find a quiet place where you can perform the ritual without being disturbed.
- Arrange all the ingredients in front of you.
- Light the white candle and place it in front of you.
- Take a few moments to focus and calm your mind.
- Take the photo or object symbolizing your heartache and hold it in your hands.
- Close your eyes and visualize the pain and sadness associated with this heartache. Allow these emotions to surface.
- Now, imagine a bright white light emanating from your heart and enveloping the photo or object.
- Repeat the incantation in Latin out loud:
"Pectus meum doloris clausurae curo,
Siccitatem lachrymarum meliore vi mutuo.
Per ignem et aquam, tristitia dissipatur,
Cor meum aegra sanitatem recipit."
- Repeat the incantation three times, focusing on your intentions for healing and relief.
- Place the photo or object symbolizing your heartache in the bowl of water, then add the rose petals.
- Extinguish the white candle to mark the end of the ritual.
After completing the ritual, take time to rest and take care of yourself. Remember that emotional healing takes time, and this ritual is simply a symbolic way to channel your energies and positive intentions towards your own well-being.
Légende - Photo, CC0,, CC0,
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