- One red candle
- A piece of paper
- A pen or pencil
- Some red rose petals or rose-scented perfume
- Find a quiet and peaceful place where you won't be disturbed.
- Light the red candle and focus on its flame. Visualize love and positivity radiating around you.
- Write a list of the qualities you seek in your soulmate on the piece of paper. Be honest and specific.
- Wrap the red rose petals in the paper with your written qualities.
"Ammor appareat mihi,
Amatricem invenire volo.
Flammae cordis in me ardeat,
Ubi amor est, meus animum sequitur."
(Pronunciation: "Am-mor app-a-re-at mee-hee, A-ma-tri-cem in-ve-ni-re vo-lo. Flam-mae cor-dis in me ar-de-at, Oo-bee a-mor est, me-us a-ni-mum se-qui-tur.")
While holding the paper with the wrapped rose petals, repeat the incantation three times with conviction, visualizing your soulmate coming into your life. Let the candle burn safely until it extinguishes on its own.
Légende - Photo
StarryAI, CC0,
SourcesStarryAI, CC0,
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