Friday, August 30, 2024

Ritual of Anger Appeasement


  • Choose a quiet and peaceful place.
  • Light a white candle representing purity and peace.
  • Have a bowl of clear water nearby, symbolizing purification.

Ritual Steps:

  1. Sit comfortably and take three deep breaths.
  2. Dip your fingers in the water and lightly touch your forehead, heart, and both shoulders, saying: "Aqua pura, mentem serenam" (Pure water, serene mind)
  3. Close your eyes and visualize a white, soothing light enveloping you.
  4. Recite the following incantation three times: "Ira recedit, pax advenit, Animus tranquillus, cor serenum. Per virtutem lucis et aquae, Iram meam nunc dimitto."
  5. Breathe deeply, imagining your anger dissipating with each exhalation.
  6. Finish by carefully touching the candle flame with your fingertips and saying: "Gratias ago, pax mecum" (I give thanks, peace is with me)
  7. Remain seated in silence for a few moments, feeling calmness settle within you.
Légende - Photo
BarBus, Pixabay,


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