Tuesday, August 29, 2023

White Magic Ritual to Find an Internship

Required Ingredients:

  1. A white candle
  2. A clear quartz crystal
  3. A blank sheet of paper and a feather with green ink
  4. Some fresh basil leaves
  5. A white fabric pouch

Ritual Steps:

  • Preparation: Find a quiet place, ideally at twilight. Arrange all the ingredients in front of you, aligned in a circle.
  • Invocation of Light: Light the white candle and place the clear quartz crystal at its base. This will serve to channel positive energy from the universe.
  • Writing the Wish: With the feather, write your wish on the blank sheet of paper: "I wish to find the perfect internship that will allow me to grow and learn."
  • Latin Incantation: Hold the paper in your right hand and recite:

Opportunitatum portae aperiantur,
Per hanc magiam, viam meam illuminetur,
Stagium perfectum, nunc veniat ad me,
Per hanc incantationem, fiat ita esse.

  • Basil Offering: Sprinkle the fresh basil leaves onto the paper with your wish. Basil is a symbol of success and protection.
  • Placing in Pouch: Place the paper and crumbled basil into the white fabric pouch. Keep this pouch with you, in your backpack or near your bed, until you find an internship.
  • Closing the Ritual: Gently blow out the candle and thank the universal forces for their guidance. Keep the quartz crystal with you as a charm of luck.
Légende - Photo
graphixmade, Pixabay, https://pixabay.com/illustrations/ai-generated-woman-computer-working-7792597/


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