Friday, July 21, 2023

Beauty ritual dedicated to Aphrodite

Ingredients needed:

  • A pink candle
  • Rose or vanilla incense
  • A mirror
  • A rose or a flower associated with Aphrodite

Steps of the ritual:

  • Prepare your sacred space, ensuring that you are calm and free from distractions.
  • Light the pink candle and the incense, placing the incense next to the mirror.
  • Hold the rose or flower in your hands and close your eyes. Focus on your desire to enhance your beauty and attract the grace of Aphrodite.
  • Repeat the following incantation in Latin:

"Aphrodite, goddess of beauty,
I implore you, I invoke you, I adore you.
Hear my wish,
Make me more beautiful, bestow your grace upon me.
Grant me charming and radiant form.
Under your divine presence, under your assistance,
Kind Aphrodite, be with me.
So be it!"

  • After reciting the incantation, visualize yourself surrounded by an aura of beauty and self-confidence.
  • Approach the mirror and look at yourself closely, focusing on the aspects of your beauty that you wish to enhance.
  • Take a few moments to meditate on your inner and outer beauty, recognizing your worth and cultivating self-love.
  • Allow the candle and incense to burn safely.
  • Thank Aphrodite for her presence and blessing.
  • This ritual can be repeated periodically, if desired, to strengthen your intention and connection with Aphrodite.

Remember, true beauty lies in self-esteem and accepting who you are. Use this ritual as an opportunity to cultivate self-confidence and celebrate your uniqueness.

Légende - Photo
StarryAI, CC0,


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