Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ritual of Restored Harmony

Materials needed:

  • Two white candles
  • One red rose
  • One light blue ribbon
  • A bowl of pure water

Ritual steps:

  • Light the two white candles and place them side by side.
  • Place the red rose between the candles.
  • Sprinkle a few drops of water on the rose petals.
  • Gently wrap the blue ribbon around the candle stems.
  • Join your hands above the rose and recite the following incantation three times:

"Amor vincit omnia, ira cessabit
Pax et concordia in cordibus nostris habitabit
Per hunc florem, per hanc aquam, per hoc lumen
Redeat harmonia, sicut olim"

  • Let the candles burn completely.
  • Place the rose in the bowl of water and keep it until the petals naturally fall.
Légende - Photo
Perchance, CC0, https://perchance.org/

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ritual to Banish Dark Thoughts

  • Prepare a quiet space and light a white candle.
  • Hold a clear quartz crystal in your left hand.
  • Take three deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Recite the following incantation in Latin:
  • "Lux vincit tenebras, mens mea serena.
    Tristitia recede, laetitia adveni.
    Per hoc crystallum, purgor et renovor.
    Sic fiat, sic est."

    • Visualize a white light enveloping you, chasing away all darkness.
    • Gently blow on the crystal, imagining your dark thoughts dissipating.
    • Extinguish the candle and keep the crystal close to you throughout the day.
    Légende - Photo
    StarryAI, CC0, https://starryai.com/