Saturday, June 15, 2024

Joy Rekindling Ritual


  • An orange or yellow candle (colors of joy)
  • An orange semi-precious stone (orange calcite, carnelian...)
  • A few drops of orange or bergamot essential oil
  • A photo of yourself smiling
  • A sheet of paper and a pen


Set aside a peaceful, tranquil moment to perform this ritual. Arrange all the elements comfortably around you. Put a few drops of essential oil in your hands and breathe in the invigorating scents deeply.

Light the candle to create a conducive ambiance. Hold the stone in your hands and focus on your breathing. Visualize all the grief, pain and sadness from your breakup flowing out of you with each exhalation.

Take the paper and pen. Make a list of everything still weighing you down regarding the ended relationship. Don't be afraid to express your emotions. Once the list is complete, burn it in the candle flame while visualizing all those burdens being consumed.

Look intently at the photo of your smiling self. Recall that happy moment and let the good memories flow in. Now visualize streams of joy, lightness and positive energy filling you up. Breathe calmly in and out for a few minutes, imbuing yourself with these pleasant feelings.

To durably anchor this rediscovered joy, enclose the stone in your hands while concentrating on this wonderful sense of well-being. Keep this stone with you and touch it regularly to remind yourself of this moment of reconnecting with the joy of living.

This ritual is just a starting point, an invitation to let joy bloom within you again. Give yourself time to heal, and joy will naturally resurface.

Légende - Photo
StarryAI, CC0,