Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sleep Protection Spell

This spell creates a powerful barrier of white light around you when you sleep, shielding you from any negative energies, entities or nightmares that could disturb your rest.

What You Need:

  • A white candle
  • Salt
  • Lavender (dried or essential oil)

Casting Instructions:

  • Cleanse your space by burning sage, ringing a bell, or using visualization to clear any stagnant or negative energy.
  • Set up your white candle on a safe heat-proof surface in your bedroom.
  • Make a circle of salt around the candle to create protective boundaries.
  • Sprinkle dried lavender around the circle or anoint the candle with lavender essential oil. Lavender promotes peace and calming sleep.
  • Light the candle, gaze into the flame, and say the following Latin incantation:

"Lux alba, rogo circum me mane,
Malum arcete, paco quiescam.
Nihil mali me terrebit nocte,
Tuta sub tutela vestra maneam."

  • Keep the candle burning while you get ready for bed. Visualize the white light forming a protective sphere around you.
  • Extinguish the candle before going to sleep. The protection will remain for the whole night.

With this spell, you can enjoy deep, undisturbed sleep knowing you are safely shielded from any negative forces or disturbances. Sweet dreams!

Légende - Photo
Perchance, CC0,

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Ritual to Conquer Fear of Public Speaking

Required Elements:

  • A red candle
  • Sage incense
  • A glass of water
  • A rose quartz crystal
  • A feather


  • Create a calm and soothing ritual space. Cleanse and purify the area with the smoke of sage.
  • Place the rose quartz crystal in front of you on a red or pink cloth. This is a soothing stone that will foster self-confidence.
  • Light the red candle, a symbol of life force and courage. Focus on the dancing flame.
  • Take the feather in your dominant hand. It is a tool of communication that will help channel your speech fluidly.
  • Drink a few sips of fresh water to clarify your throat and mind.
  • Close your eyes and visualize yourself speaking in public with ease, an aura of calm and assurance enveloping you.
  • Recite aloud the following Latin incantation, directing the feather toward your mouth:

"Vox mea fortis ac clara resonat,
Timorem refuto, confidentiam celebro.
Per pennam eloquentiae vincam,
Verbis meis mundum movebo."

  • Gently blow on the feather while visualizing all your fears and blocks leaving your being.
  • Keep the rose quartz crystal with you when public speaking as a talisman of serenity.

Practice this ritual before each event to fill yourself with courage and charisma. The fear will gradually dissipate, replaced by the assurance of a charismatic speaker.

Légende - Photo
StarryAI, CC0,

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Magic Ritual for a Successful Marriage

This ritual should be performed on the night before the wedding during the full moon. It will establish sacred bonds between the couple and attract luck, love, and prosperity into their union.


  • 2 red candles (representing love)
  • 1 white candle (representing purity)
  • A few drops of rose essential oil
  • A red ribbon
  • A piece of fresh ginger root
  • A bowl of spring water
  • A rose quartz crystal (for lasting love)


  • Create a temporary altar and arrange the elements in a circle, with the bowl of water in the center.
  • Light the white candle first, visualizing the purity and happiness you wish for the couple.
  • Next, light the red candles and add a few drops of rose oil to the water bowl to represent passion.
  • Place the rose quartz crystal in the bowl and let it charge with energy for a few moments.
  • Rub the piece of fresh ginger between your hands to stimulate its energy, then place it on the altar as a symbol of vigor.
  • Tie the red ribbon around the lit candles three times while focusing your intention of lasting love on the couple.
  • Complete with this incantation in Latin (say 3 times):

"Amor vincit omnia, hunc nodum nunquam solvendum! Quod Deus coniunxit, homo non separet! Dilectio in aeternum durabit!"

  • Allow the candles to fully burn down. The couple should share the charged water during the ceremony as a symbol of eternal union.

Performed with pure intention, this powerful ritual will bind the couple and attract divine blessings upon their marriage. So it shall be!

Légende - Photo
Perchance, CC0,