Friday, August 30, 2024

Ritual of Anger Appeasement


  • Choose a quiet and peaceful place.
  • Light a white candle representing purity and peace.
  • Have a bowl of clear water nearby, symbolizing purification.

Ritual Steps:

  1. Sit comfortably and take three deep breaths.
  2. Dip your fingers in the water and lightly touch your forehead, heart, and both shoulders, saying: "Aqua pura, mentem serenam" (Pure water, serene mind)
  3. Close your eyes and visualize a white, soothing light enveloping you.
  4. Recite the following incantation three times: "Ira recedit, pax advenit, Animus tranquillus, cor serenum. Per virtutem lucis et aquae, Iram meam nunc dimitto."
  5. Breathe deeply, imagining your anger dissipating with each exhalation.
  6. Finish by carefully touching the candle flame with your fingertips and saying: "Gratias ago, pax mecum" (I give thanks, peace is with me)
  7. Remain seated in silence for a few moments, feeling calmness settle within you.
Légende - Photo
BarBus, Pixabay,

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Ritual to Dispel Negative Thoughts

Materials needed:

  • A white candle
  • A small mirror
  • A piece of clear quartz
  • A sheet of paper and a pen

Ritual steps:

  • Find a quiet place and make yourself comfortable.
  • Light the white candle, symbolizing purification and positive light.
  • Place the mirror in front of you, reflective side up.
  • Hold the clear quartz in your dominant hand.
  • Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
  • Open your eyes and look at your reflection in the mirror.
  • Recite the following Latin incantation three times:

"Mentem meam libero a tenebris,
Lux positiva me circumdat,
Cogitationes negativas expello,
Pacem et serenitatem invoco."

  • While holding the quartz, visualize a white, soothing light enveloping your body and mind, chasing away all negative thoughts.
  • On the sheet of paper, write a positive affirmation that you wish to integrate into your life.
  • Place the paper under the mirror and the quartz on top.
  • Let the candle burn completely (or extinguish it if necessary, relighting it in the following days to reinforce the ritual).
  • Keep the mirror, quartz, and affirmation near your bed or in a place where you will see them daily.

Repeat this ritual as often as necessary to reinforce its effect and maintain a positive mindset.

Légende - Photo
Perchance, CC0,

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Ritual to commune with nature


  • Choose a quiet spot in nature (forest, garden, park)
  • Bring natural offerings (seeds, fruits, flowers)
  • Have a green candle and herbal incense ready


  • Form a circle with stones or branches
  • Light the candle and incense in the center
  • Sit down and breathe deeply, focusing on the sounds and smells of nature
  • Recite this invocation: "Spirit of the Earth, I come with respect To unite with your wisdom and strength May our energies intertwine in harmony And may I feel your presence within me"
  • Meditate silently for a few minutes, visualizing roots connecting you to the earth
  • Place your offerings while thanking nature
  • End by extinguishing the candle and dispersing the circle

Take time to feel the established connection before leaving.

Légende - Photo
StarryAI, CC0,

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ritual of Restored Harmony

Materials needed:

  • Two white candles
  • One red rose
  • One light blue ribbon
  • A bowl of pure water

Ritual steps:

  • Light the two white candles and place them side by side.
  • Place the red rose between the candles.
  • Sprinkle a few drops of water on the rose petals.
  • Gently wrap the blue ribbon around the candle stems.
  • Join your hands above the rose and recite the following incantation three times:

"Amor vincit omnia, ira cessabit
Pax et concordia in cordibus nostris habitabit
Per hunc florem, per hanc aquam, per hoc lumen
Redeat harmonia, sicut olim"

  • Let the candles burn completely.
  • Place the rose in the bowl of water and keep it until the petals naturally fall.
Légende - Photo
Perchance, CC0,

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ritual to Banish Dark Thoughts

  • Prepare a quiet space and light a white candle.
  • Hold a clear quartz crystal in your left hand.
  • Take three deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Recite the following incantation in Latin:
  • "Lux vincit tenebras, mens mea serena.
    Tristitia recede, laetitia adveni.
    Per hoc crystallum, purgor et renovor.
    Sic fiat, sic est."

    • Visualize a white light enveloping you, chasing away all darkness.
    • Gently blow on the crystal, imagining your dark thoughts dissipating.
    • Extinguish the candle and keep the crystal close to you throughout the day.
    Légende - Photo
    StarryAI, CC0,

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Joy Rekindling Ritual


  • An orange or yellow candle (colors of joy)
  • An orange semi-precious stone (orange calcite, carnelian...)
  • A few drops of orange or bergamot essential oil
  • A photo of yourself smiling
  • A sheet of paper and a pen


Set aside a peaceful, tranquil moment to perform this ritual. Arrange all the elements comfortably around you. Put a few drops of essential oil in your hands and breathe in the invigorating scents deeply.

Light the candle to create a conducive ambiance. Hold the stone in your hands and focus on your breathing. Visualize all the grief, pain and sadness from your breakup flowing out of you with each exhalation.

Take the paper and pen. Make a list of everything still weighing you down regarding the ended relationship. Don't be afraid to express your emotions. Once the list is complete, burn it in the candle flame while visualizing all those burdens being consumed.

Look intently at the photo of your smiling self. Recall that happy moment and let the good memories flow in. Now visualize streams of joy, lightness and positive energy filling you up. Breathe calmly in and out for a few minutes, imbuing yourself with these pleasant feelings.

To durably anchor this rediscovered joy, enclose the stone in your hands while concentrating on this wonderful sense of well-being. Keep this stone with you and touch it regularly to remind yourself of this moment of reconnecting with the joy of living.

This ritual is just a starting point, an invitation to let joy bloom within you again. Give yourself time to heal, and joy will naturally resurface.

Légende - Photo
StarryAI, CC0,

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sleep Protection Spell

This spell creates a powerful barrier of white light around you when you sleep, shielding you from any negative energies, entities or nightmares that could disturb your rest.

What You Need:

  • A white candle
  • Salt
  • Lavender (dried or essential oil)

Casting Instructions:

  • Cleanse your space by burning sage, ringing a bell, or using visualization to clear any stagnant or negative energy.
  • Set up your white candle on a safe heat-proof surface in your bedroom.
  • Make a circle of salt around the candle to create protective boundaries.
  • Sprinkle dried lavender around the circle or anoint the candle with lavender essential oil. Lavender promotes peace and calming sleep.
  • Light the candle, gaze into the flame, and say the following Latin incantation:

"Lux alba, rogo circum me mane,
Malum arcete, paco quiescam.
Nihil mali me terrebit nocte,
Tuta sub tutela vestra maneam."

  • Keep the candle burning while you get ready for bed. Visualize the white light forming a protective sphere around you.
  • Extinguish the candle before going to sleep. The protection will remain for the whole night.

With this spell, you can enjoy deep, undisturbed sleep knowing you are safely shielded from any negative forces or disturbances. Sweet dreams!

Légende - Photo
Perchance, CC0,